Hello, today I wanted to share a style guideline I use when I create notes. I came up with it not too long ago when I was studying for an upcoming math test, and it’s worked well for me so far. I’m excited to share how I take notes with you and below is a short list of the rules, feel free to interpret them however you’d like!

Plain Colors

The notes I take consist of five different colored boxes:

  1. Blue
  2. Red
  3. Yellow
  4. Green
  5. Pink


Plain blue boxes are used for example questions and answers. They should be formatted in either of these two ways:

  • Option 1:

  • Option 2:


Plain red boxes should be used for equations or important concepts, in the picture below I only have “Equation” in the box because when I created this style guide I happened to be taking math notes.


Plain yellow boxes should be used for anything which has an arrow coming from it, or an arrow going to it.


Plain green boxes should be used for any side-notes or tips in your notes.


Plain pink boxes should be used for question answers.


Combinations of colors can be used to signify that the box serves more than one purpose. Here is one example:


And that’s my very rough style guide for notes! Of course this a very loose guideline, and it can be modified however you see fit. With that said, happy note taking!